Art is a product of the world around us. I draw inspiration from what can be observed with the senses and imagined while the mind rests at night. The fundamental aspects of art (line, shape, form value, space, texture, color, lighting, etc.) haven’t changed, but the tools at my disposal are a product of the 21st century. The primary tools in my toolbelt are Cinema 4D, Daz Studio , Substance Painter, World Creator, Photoshop, and After Effects. Cinema 4D is a 3D modeling, animation, motion graphic, and rendering application. It’s what allows me to insert objects, set the scene, apply lighting, and set my camera framing.
Daz Studio is where the human characters are created, posed, and textured . World Creator is how I create the landscapes, and Substance Painter is how I add details to the various textures used in my compositions. Photoshop and After Effects are incredibly robust programs that I primarily use to adjust final details like coloring, focus, and lighting.